
a lot of space and good transportation

Our buses can accommodate 57 passengers and have the possibility of connecting the closed trailer for luggage.

Rent a minibus today

If you have any questions regarding the bus company or the services we offer, feel free to call

We drive to everywhere in Denmark

But also to Sweden and Germany if neccesary


Spacious busses

Our minibusses can hold 16 passengers and has the possibility to attach a trailer for luggage.

Good location

Jettes Bus is the quickest solution, when it comes to bus transport i the Copenhagen.

Agreed price

The price for renting a bus never surprices our customers, agreed time – agreed price.

Company profile

Our routined personell is a guarentee for comfortable and safe driving to your destination and back,

No matter if it is a private or a company event.

Our customers span from a variety of small and large companies, that uses our minibus. We also have many private customers, that rents our minibuses for Bachelorparties, outings and bus travels etc.

The price will never surprice the customer – it is agreed before we start driving.

Contact us and tell us what you need.